Included in this Advanced Program:
  • Comprehensive 6-week membership course (3 videos per week + weekly practical tools to implement)
  • Service is a cornerstone of Self-realization since it’s only natural when feeling your very own Self as everyone, this entire program’s core is focused on and around how to be of service in the same manner that all sages’ serve
  • Purposefully created to not only advance the qualities of service but also to advance the qualities of where the sages are speaking from. Hence, this program is for those who have dedicated their life to nothing else but Self-realization and feel the natural call to be of service
  • This program invites you to unpack and integrate the immensity of the information without overwhelm. Thus, the information contained within the program will be released every 5 days to offer a chance for the quality of the impactful material to deeply soak in your being and also to be able to bring it into your daily life in a comprehensive and practical way
  • Lifetime access to the videos, exercises, and tools through a membership site
  • Bonus: Two previously recorded live group workshops (in audio format) with Summairu that address important conversations about how to live Self-realization based on service and what it means to speak from where the sage is speaking. Audio recordings are received during week 3 and week 6.

Enroll Below & Receive the First Week Immediately!

Program Enrollment:
