The below programs were all designed to support you to receive the most out of Self-realization based on the direction of what you feel an impulse towards.
If you’re unsure which program will support your direction, here is a quick overview. These are the 3 core and essential components that the sages are continuously pointing to in one way or another:
1. The Sage-Level Meditation program is to support those who want to learn how to go deeper than just the surface level meditation of simple relaxation. Nobody wants to spend 30 years meditating for the purpose of Self-realization and not seeing any results.
2. The Silent Transmission Meditation program is designed in such a way that no effort is needed to be applied, so you experience deep meditation effortlessly.
If you’re unsure which program will support your direction, here is a quick overview. These are the 3 core and essential components that the sages are continuously pointing to in one way or another:
1. The 1st core component the sages point to is going beyond the beyond.
The Sages’ Timeless Message program is for those who are ready to commit with dedication and practice to dissolving all ideas and to completely wake-up to the beyond.
2. The 2nd component is pointing out what is here and now.
The Sacred Transmission Videos program is designed to deeply reveal that you are the One alone (without a second) and that’s all that exists, which leads to the waking-up from the dream of separation.
Satsang: Online Retreat – Gathering in Truth is a new addition to the 2nd component, which starts March 19th, 2024. The Satsang Online Retreat program is designed for anyone interested in Self-realization.
3. The 3rd core component that the sages point to is towards the service of truth.
The Balanced Self-realization program points out how truth is moving through you to serve. In fact, the sages recommend practicing service for Self-realization. For those who are dedicated to Self-realization and feel the natural call to be of service.
Other programs that were created to support the direction of using meditation for Self-realization is the
Sage-level Meditation program and the Silent Transmission Meditation program.
1. The Sage-Level Meditation program is to support those who want to learn how to go deeper than just the surface level meditation of simple relaxation. Nobody wants to spend 30 years meditating for the purpose of Self-realization and not seeing any results.
2. The Silent Transmission Meditation program is designed in such a way that no effort is needed to be applied, so you experience deep meditation effortlessly.
Satsang: Online Retreat – Gathering in Truth
Within this program we explore various awakening experiences to create a comprehensive map for your Self-realization journey, including rarely discussed awakenings within spiritual communities.
Immerse yourself into this healing retreat, an online atmosphere designed to revitalize your nervous system and reconnect you with your innate spiritual nature.
Discover grounded spirituality, addressing daily conflicts and harmonizing yin and yang energies to integrate human experiences with the spiritual realm.
Explore conscious intelligence, tuning into the intelligent nature of life to gain wisdom and clarity that directly enhances the quality of human life.
Engage in interpersonal contemplations, sharing in the fullness of awakening through reflective contemplation on your being, interrelationships, and the dynamics of the world.
The Sages’ Timeless Message
For those who have committed and dedicated to wake-up completely outside of all imaginations and beyond all dreaming, the sages point very precisely to the timeless practices that must be done. The sages message is extremely clear and direct.
This is a comprehensive program with everything needed to wake-up completely. It includes the most effective pointings for going beyond the beyond and is designed to bring clarity to every single stuck-point that shows up at every threshold, which will dramatically accelerate the process that can take many lifetimes.
This online program is dedicated to nothing else but the practicing of the direct timeless message of the sages’.
The Sacred Transmission Videos
For those who are seeking to realize that the Self is absolutely everything that is experienced through the senses, just that One alone exists and just that One alone is (without a second) the only one reality, right here and now. For those who are seeking to discover that you are already what you are, thus there’s nothing to seek and there’s nothing to practice. This realization is comparable to lucid dreaming.
Similarly to when you lay down in your bed at night to fall into sleep and a dream state appears. That dream state belongs to nobody else but you. That dream is your mind-consciousness being projected. It’s only when you wake-up from that dream that you realize the whole dream was your mind-consciousness (The Self – your very own Self).
The Sacred Transmission Videos program is designed to invite you to see how simple the pointings actually are. You are what you seek, thus you simply realize the whole of existence as your very own Self and fall into it, as you would fall into a lucid dream.
The Sacred Transmission Videos are designed for those who are done with seeking what they already are.
This program has received rave reviews from most everyone who has experienced it.
Balanced Self-realization
As far back as recorded history, the sages have always been pointing towards service and even recommending service as a practice for Self-realization.
However, as the egoic energies thin out, often most everybody finds themselves in a type of no man’s land, which makes it extremely difficult to find the energy, motivation, and interest to serve. A type of imbalance occurs due to the thinning out of egoic structures and yet the natural component of service has not come on board yet.
This “no man’s land” can feel utterly empty which can also result in a type of peace and freedom from certain egoic energies that used to run, but it can feel numb, dry, dead, empty, null, void, no aliveness and sort-of a sense of “depression” but without that label.
The Balanced Self-realization program is designed for those who know they are here for service but are stuck somehow, either in a type of no man’s land or stuck in not being able to balance their self-realization.
Sage-Level Meditation
Most who practice meditation for the purpose of Self-realization can meditate for 30 years and never touch anything deeper than the surface relaxation and ease that meditation offers.
The Sage-Level Meditation program was designed not only to help you meditate every day for 30-days and ingraining a new habit of meditation into your daily life, but also this program was designed to map out a comprehensive guide to understanding the different levels of thresholds that you reach in meditation as you go deeper into your practice, and what it takes to dive into the deepest level that is referred to as sage-level meditation.
The Sage-Level Meditation program is to help those that want to go deeper than just the surface level meditation. Nobody wants to spend 30 years meditating for the purpose of Self-realization and not seeing any results.
Silent Transmission Meditation
Join Summairu for a special rare event of 14 days of Silent Transmission Meditations.
In this program, there will be 60 minutes per day of Pure Transmission, no discourses nor talking, just the pure silent transmission of reflecting and mirroring the highest state of meditation.
The transmission of these silent meditations are designed in such a way that no effort is needed to be applied, so you experience effortless meditation.
You will not be doing the meditations nor being a meditator. Simply by sitting and watching the video in silent transmission then you will be taken to an effortless meditation that reflects the core of what you are.
The transmissions that are given through these live silent meditations is the transmission of the sages which comes from simply being the deepest truth of silence itself. This is an ancient timeless and sacred transmission that doesn’t belong to particular bodies but is the transmission of what everyone and everything absolutely is already.
Receive active grace by actively engaging the grace you are and opening yourself to the grace that is always here and now.